Tuesday, January 19, 2010

today was a good day......................that is what you should hope for when u get up in the morning. I got to watch my babies...oh how I wished we all lived together..................,

Monday, January 11, 2010

I am back

today is january 12. my birthdate. so I decided after months and months of doing everything someone else wanted me to do..include physical therapy to heal................I decided to try to either begin or end my day with a page pf the written word...............my written word....................so look for it .I hope I can entertain u . Maybe ever teach u something........or learn something myself......SO , ON MY BRTHDAY WITH THE HELP OF MY LIFE MATE, WE MADE A LONG LONG DREAM OF MINE COME TRUE.I AM GOING ON A CRUISE WITH MY DAUGHTER AND HER FAMILY ,MY SON AND HIS FAMILY TOO..............ITS THE SINGLE MOST EXCITING THING i HAVE HAD TO CHEER FOR, TO LOOK FORWARD TOO IN YEARS...........................IT WILL EAT ALL WE HAVE IN MONEY BUT WHO NEEDS TO GET THEIR HOUSE FIXED UP. i CAN LIVE WITH A LEAKY BATHTUB.........AND NO SHOWER CURTAIN........I GOT A CRUISE WITH ALL MY BABIES................