Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Joseph Henry De Baun
Jan 26, 1926- Jan 24, 1927

. Now the long horns are gone And the drovers are gone The Comanche's are gone And the outlaws are gone Now Quantro is gone Stan Watie is gone And the lion is gone And the Red Wolf is gone One morning they searched his adobe. He disappeared without even a word But that night as the moon crossed the mountain One more coyote was heard. Love You Pop Pop.....Michael Lee Barlin-grandson found by michael lee in a sng by a gentleman whose name I do not know at his writting nor have the strength to find.

The Quiet man of his daughters youth. My first love. I miss mydaddy with every breathe I take. Inside my heart is a deep hallow ache.. Now my guardian angel right by my side. He whispers in my ear that everything is fine. He waits for me on the other side.Had anyone asked me my favorite star. Id have said Joe DeBaun. To me he was like those heros of old I admired on the screen and looked for in a man of my own.

My Father was a man of gentle passion.He loved his family. We were his greatest passion. His wife, His children, His grandchildren , His great grandchildren. Each of uswere special to him. Each In our own way Especially the little ones. Oh, how he adored the little ones. .We were all beautiful to him. hais haven in florida. He loved this place and all his friends within. With a passion. He showed in his deep affection in his care of the gardens… beautiful greatly due to his efforts. Something to live on after him............The beauty he felt we should see in every spot of our little piece of the earth lain with his bear hand So Full of life, always ready for any adventure that came his way.(especially with his family).
If he could have one wish it would have been to livewherehis wife wished while still keepingnus around him.........this s a wish I can deeply understand.
His joy was his neighbors, his art and the gardens here at Desoto... hundred and hundreds of painting he made. All so beautiful yet to him , the perfectionish in all he did, he always wished his work was better. His paints not even worthy of his signature. (In his eyes) These paintings are my dad leaving some of himself behind for us.

Daddy loved the ocean. He was a poor mans Johnny Weisemuller.He wants to be laid to rest in the sea. So let it be written. So let it be done.--

"...I have seen the future and it's Very

Perplexing..." -some guy with a time machine__________________________________________Very Perplexing PicturesVeryPerplexing.commleebarlin@gmail.com917-945-3811