Thursday, October 7, 2010

every day to can get out of bed to dress is a good day no matter what you where

This is what my doctor said to me today when I compimented him on whAt looked like all new closets for him. he has had a couple tragedies this year. we r aLL IN THE SAME BOAT. iTS SINKING. I got anouther good idea for a book but I wi;ll try to write it as a screenplay/ if I cant, I'll promise myself a short story but it will see paper.......I love the noises of otober. the wind blowing through the leaves on the trees sound so much like the ocean after a storm.......I love it . I love it. so beisdes getting the house ready to sell, I want to have one more big everybody in the family is invited so deal with it and get your ass here party next summer.too much death about me...........far too much . good people. I see where that like only the good die young comes from.................everything has some touch of reality to it..Please give a moment for all those we lost this year. Those I know, those you know.......let us be the voices they no longer have.