Thursday, February 19, 2009

catch up

It has not been the best time we have ever had here in sc. maybe even the worst time. Not that myrtle beach has any of the blame. The weather as been terrible, cappy a gone blind with his diabetes,. My hip has been hurting since december. it got worse here in sc..............I like to suffer alone in my room. That is difficult to do here were is like living in a gold fish bowl with 1000 other fish. So I havent much to entertain myself with in this journal.
So here we are in sc taken turs on being at deaths door. first the dog, than me than itv then round and round we go sometimes all of us at once...........its has begun to really depress me but as always , right before hit rock bottom,I get angry and rise up again.not far but far enough to surve another day or so...ugh
well Irv is down with a cold but beginning to feel on the up side of it. I am over my cold . my hi, migraine and leg pain is still overwhelming but my depression has lifted. thats good news. I am not the sort of person to enjoy depression...................... got to rise above tomorrow the Sun should return and maybe smiles will accompany her............

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Kings Row... The Card Game ...Instructions to Play

The deal:
first person deals 15 cards to each player.the hand
second person going clockwise deals the 11 cards.the foot
the third person goes first when you play the and.
then on next deal the person who dealt the foot deals the hand. the 15cards
person to her left deals the foot - 11 cards.
person to left of the person who dealt the foot goes first this hand
and so on around the table each hand. going clockwise being sure everyone gets to deal a hand and go first..................................

Set Up.

5 or 6 decks of cards are used for 4 or 6 players. either is acceptable.
you use every card in the deck including the jokers.

The object of the game is to get a meld of 7 cards of the following:

Sevens (7)
Wild Cards ( 2's and Jokers)
Clean ( 7 cards of the same number)
Dirty (7 cards of the same number but with a maximum of 3 wild cards)

The above is a Kings Row
and the points are:
Seven (7) = 1,500 points
Wild Cards = 1,000 points
Clean = 500 points
Dirty = 300 points

Any extra complete melds ( 7 cards) of the above receive the same number of points per meld.

How to begin
The deal to begin the game
15 cards go into your hand
The second set of cards ( your foot) consists of 11 cards
first person deals the hand (15 cards)
second person deals the foot (11 cards)
third person goes first taking 2 cards from the card pile.
you then play what cards you can . If any. Discard one card.

On the next deal you begin with the person who dealt the foot. this time that player deals the hand and the person to the players left deals the foot while the player to the left o the foot dealer goes first. this is how it proceeds.

You play a total of 4 games in each set
The first game starts at 50 point
The second game starts at 75 points
The third game starts at 125 points
The fourth game starts at 150 points.

In order to lay cards down either you or your partner has to have sets of 3 cards of the same number totaling 50 points minimum. Then you both build the melds to get to 7 points. When you reach 7 cards you have a complete meld towards King's Row.

you may lay down your red 3 at any time during your turn. even if you have not lay down your open bid.

In order to pick up your foot you must close a meld.

To go out and finish the game , you must have a complete King's Row and be down to your last card to discard. Then you are out.

Additional Rules:

Red 3's are worth 100 points. PLUS you draw an additional card. every time you draw a red 3.
Black 3's are worth noting and are a good discard . They freeze the discard deck.

Card Value:

A's and 2's are worth 20 points
10's through the king are worth 10 points
4's through 9's are worth 5 points
Jokers are worth 50 points.
Going out is worth 100 points
Red threes are worth 100 points each.

If you run out of cards in your hand or have no discard but your team has not finished building your kings row, you continue to play until you do get a discard after a completion of kings row,,,,,,,this could in some cases be everyone playing with no cards in their hands picking and trying to end a kings row and discard.

enjoy the game but if you have any questions you can forward them to me and I will ask all the experts I know how best to answer you.........e mail me at but in subject box write regarding kings row...have fun.........

IF YOU HAVE any questions, e mail me at in subject line make note this e mail is regarding kings row