Tuesday, June 1, 2010

welcome home

this is the safest place for a person whouses her brain instead of dulls it on the internet. I tried to use facebook and tweet. while they wrote inane reteric back and forth, I got "lessons " on what was right to say and wrong to say. what farms to build. what rooms to enter....................I guess after all these years as a red hat anda homemaker who planned my day as I saw fit. who created and elated children and parewnts alike. I am not ready to be told how to behave on favebooks or eve e mails. u dont like what I have to say. dont open the e mail but by the same right...dont expect me to listen to you bitch on and on either................so here I am at home. hopefully to entertain you as to thsoe children and men who think I shouls hang on every word out of their mouth..they are not passing me thesecret map to king solomans mines so.....................chill...............

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