Tuesday, July 6, 2010

the memorial I meant to give on cruise for my dad

AS much as I hated to add a sad note to our first barlin 11 family cruise, I did. My father had no memorial. we nevergto to see him alive or dead/ never got to hold his hand warm or cold.never got to kiss his hand,kiss his lips........and whisper in his ear my promise to never forget him or let his memory die while I lived.But luckily, my chidren, pop pops oldest grandchildren needed some sort of farewell to him as I did so my darlin children were more than eager to go along with my plan to give a memorial to dad aboard the LEGEND . allow each to say a few words or not as they wished . Then to spread dads ashes to the ocean waters he loved so much among the beautiful fish he loved to dance with.
We planned our memorial for the last night out at sea. At sunset. on the deck lowest to the water where it spoke back to us its sweet meolody ................" we stand ready to accept Joe De Baun into our safe and loving arms. We loved him too. We love him still. He will change with us as all things do in the oceans of the world always into something more than before.our promise to you his little guppys".
SO AT SUNSET OUR LAST DAY AT SEA, WE MET ON THE LOWEST DECK NEAR THE MOST PRIVATE PLACE WE COULD FIND. third teens joined us there with no signs of leaving to give us peace and I spoke louder with no intention of giving them privacy......I won. well you cant really beat a weeping and wailing old lady wuth a jar of ashes in her arms.......piss me off enough they could end up on you....who knows............
as the sun set, I began , we had no music with us although we did think of somed great things to play in the backround, it was space that stopped thast, airlines are making it more and more difficult to pack. one day I am sure we will be down and your ticket, to nothing but a toothbrush, a wallet
So I began.It was my job. Though I could barely speak, it was my place to begin the
I can not remember a word of what I did say but I do have written down what I had hoped to cover even if only a little bit.
I apologized for brink=ging this bit of sadness to our first ever vacation together, if it took us all their lives to do it once, Id be dead before we got to vacation again, si =o I wished I did not need to do this but I did need to ddo it. NY DADDY BESEERVED SOMEONE TO READ WORDS OVER HIM LISTENED TO BY HIUS GRANDCHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN MAYBE TO REMEMBERED EVEN IF ONLY IN PART AS THEY GROW AND RECALL THIS ODD CRUISE THEY TOOK IN 2010 WITH GRANDMA AND PAPA.

My daddy was the original quiet man. He really never spoke until after he retired and then he never shut up again. he was a man of few words............for years I thought my name was whike you are up............ ( get me a beer).He was the hero of my life brought down from the screen and real to me. a poor mans John waynehe could swim like johnny weismeller and call to the animals with the same beautiful song tarzan sang on screen. dad had a lovely singing voice. I could listen to it for hours and often did. whether I wanted to or not.
I was his first born his daughter not born a son but I did all I could every chance I got,,,everychallange I got to prove myself better than any son could have been and I did. I did it. I have a theory on how but that is for another day. this is for dad. I could out run any boy . play every position in baseball and be a valued player. I could beat them all in a race. and swimming ..well, who could hope to outswim the child of tarzan. no one I wager.nor did anyone. I could hold my breathe so long under water peoplewould begin to worry : where is Diane?" but my parents would answer withouteven looking up. "oh she is out there swimming underwater somewhere. She will come up when she runs out of breathe.....of course mom amd dad missed completeky the bewildered looks on the faces of their listeners............but As u can see. I did come up eventually.

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