Tuesday, July 6, 2010

tv show "lost"- alternate universes- I believe in dream world crossovers.

The Barlin 11 family cruise 2010n the way I dreams and planned it in my alternate universe. The cruise I could old with the mom s magic I was always praised to have. The magic I do wish I had.
The woman I may once have been but may never and most likely will never be again
The waters of the Caribbean would have been this overwhelming blue only the angels could have blended together with their special box of crayolas. A blue you may see in your dreams but could never truly imagine without having been on a cruise to paradise.
he air on deck cool refreshing , invigorating, A breeze that caresses your cheek and worms it way into your soul.
We'd have swam out into these waves . so beautiful you could never fear something bad could lurk beneath them. And nothing bad does., Beneath these waters waiting to greet you, to play with you are fish not even the rainbow could match. They would race out to dance with you only the music you could share with the fish down there. We'd laugh with the fish. We would try to swim like them as they laughed at our pathetic antics.
Once back on the ship, we would take a nap to refresh ourselves enough to stay away for the midnight buffet. Not because we needed more food but to see the eye popping magnificence each night. One night all sculptured in chocolates,. One night all ice sculptures only an ice queen could create. Another night all fashioned in vegetables. Oh to see the faces of our little ones. all five of them as they were wowed over and over again by visions they could not even imagine but now remember the rest of their lives. Each port more wondrous then the one before. .swimming with the dolphins. playing with the stingrays swimming between our legs caressing our calves.
Snorkeling with the rainbow colored fish off the side of a small boat in the middle of the ocean with no land to be seen in any direction. just the fish, the boat and us.......alone on this planet called ocean.
Each night we would gather for a dinner only the gods could have cooked using ambrosia and wine.n each night more of a surprise than the night before. Then outside to watch the sunset with the soft music only heard on a cruise ship......our Legend come to life............We would watch the waves beneath us as the ship sailed quietly sailing us away from the woes of the world the woes of our lives. All left behind on a shore all but forgot. the land more the unreality of our life. the ship the reality. Our protector from all that could or would try to hurt us. None able to touch us under her protection. e would all dance on our deck. the children, their parents my children, my spouse and me. All together to dance in joy for no reason but to share. No wedding, no party.just our barlin 11 dancing together. The music of the live band would drift down to us. , loud enough to hear loud enough to hear without drowning out the music of the waves. caressing the side of the ship pushing and pulling her along to happiness.
There would be some any games and fun times to enjoy every 1/2 of the day. So many it would almost be impossible to choose which to do. Some to join in the fun , others to watch, laugh and forever remember,.
The grandkids think their grandma is funny . grandma is crazy but they love watching my antics. On the cruise they would get to see their mother and father give grandmas funny and crazy a run for her money. "You are never going to see these people again.get out there and let it free"
We would fall asleep each night exhausted from the days playing/ We fall asleep with a smile on our face dreaming of what tomorrow might bring us aboard our Legend. We would explore the ship together trying to guess each of the legends depicted in its art. Then we would leave our ship. forced off by the crush of reality coming back to claim us. and we would board our plane together . All eleven of us to return home .together when grandma dreams we are each and every night of her life. together in NY or anywhere as long as it is together..... each day not together is a day lost forever. One day more of the childhood of our beloved 5 grandchildren never to be found again.
2009 kept me from making this dream come true. money always kept it at bay but 2008, I decided money could never stop us again..And my beloved life mate who has always given his Bride whatever she really wanted, gave me the promise of my cruise come true. But it was not to be. My body betrayed me. and in 2010 I could see it was happening again but this time, both he and I vowed to let nothing but death stop us. It almost did. But we stayed the course. a course only a cruise could be.

This dream become reality was not to be. no matter now I practiced and vowed it every day we "there goes mom again bringing drama into our life" How do you argue with a true statement?Instead of living the dream, my family spent their cruise trying not to leave grandma out of things. dragging her along in a wheel chair or cane.But I swear this is not me. it never has been me and it never will be ME. I dont want it to "be all about me"" I an NOT the crying moaning yenta I have observed over my lifetime. the woman I swore never to be. I am not her. So the best I can dream of now is for " a do over" In my youth, if something went wrong we would yell.."do over" and we would get the chance to do it right the next time. Most often we did...........I dont have a way to promise another family cruise but I vow to find a way even if I must sell a kidney to do it.so my last words on the subject is " DO OVER!!!!".

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