Tuesday, July 6, 2010

the vows I meant to say

while on our cruise,the 40th anniversary cruise, Irv and I renews our vows. I began mine after Irv read his but as I finished my first page of mine.little page I assure you, Irv was overwhelmed and believing that to be my ending,he kissed me.the kids clapped..........it seemed the wrong moment to announce I wasn't finished........................
so here they are unabridged.no kiss or hug to interfere ( as nice as it was).
What could I give in our renewal of vows to the man who vowed to love me as no man has ever or would ever and then did just that. You vowed to me a family, a home full of love like the fairy tales you said you saw in my eyes and heard in my voice. You gave me all that and more. 40 years your bride on an everlasting honeymoon we have faced the good times and bad, the happy and sad in health but mostly sickness ( all mine)
Mostly we had humor and laughter even on our darkest days. even in every day little things others miss.and yes, The magic I found in all that. you were the magic that began my life. The day we met, was the day I was born. The day you looked at me with me was the day Magic found me.
Maybe the first 40 years are the easiest. God knows the next 40 years cant be our best. But even so
I PROMISE PROMISE to wake up each day loving you with e the same passion i felt the first night we met.
I promise promise to LISTEN to you even when you drone on about golf for hours in a language I will never begin to understand. par par bogie bogie par par???????
What I have to give may not be much but all I have to give I do give to you happily.
I PROMISE PROMISE to love you more tomorrow than I do today ( right after I kiss the ground grateful that I HAVE woken up to another day.
I promise PROMISE to make wherever we are a magic haven for you and for me - hopefully keeping the world outside at bay.
I PROMISE PROMISE TO BE THAT FUNNY witty naive girl you fell in love with. She is still in here. A bit older and worst for wear but also a bit wiser. But as often as I can track her down, I will drag her home and be her again.
I promise promise to be a wife to you in equal measure to the husband you have always been to me.
We met as babies . We grew up to adulthood together best friends , lovers confidants, protectors. So many passages we have travelled through life I now renew my vows to continue our journey together.
Now we come face to face with the most difficult trying time of life . I am not afraid because I face it with you. I promise promise................

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