Monday, April 13, 2009


the week that ended yesterday with easter was as froth with problems and situations as all the weeks had since the new year began. I had a car acident in sc. not a big deal I guess but a first for me so it was a big deal . we were so far from home and planning to drive back to ny the next day. would the car be able to make the trip. could we pack this little car. we are accustomed to m big van but wonder if in its advanced age it could make the trip. so much so much, so now I think maybe our winters n sc are at an end for . they are great for irv he golfs but I dont . if I cant sit on the beach or cant walk with Friends around town to pass time . there is no sense me being there.the day I drove to the train station to pick up Irving and one grandson after a trip to the museum, I saw a turkey run across the double road in front of my car. it barely missed me but immediately after a second turkey twice the size flew across the road at windshield level. I missed it. no damage to car or birds.but odd to see turkeys fly across the road. the next day, my daughter called to tel me her husband was waiting for the police . a turkey flew into his windshield and busted it all up,..not drivable. terrible to be sure...........................

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