Friday, January 9, 2009


I want my son to come back to NY...........I want him to bring his family here where we can help him . Where we can see the kids more often and have some influence in their lives........If he doesn't come home some day in the near future, I wont be able to go on. I REALLY WONT. I DID NT CALL OR SPEAK MUCH TO HIM FOR OVER 3 MONTHS BECAUSE I WOULD NT THINK OF ANY ThING TO SAY THAT WOULD NT LEAD TO A CONFRONTATION REGARDING HS CHOICE TO STAY IN CA.He is not doing any better out there than he could be doing here in NY. I think he is doing worse than he could be doing here. He could achieve everything he hopes to achieve right here with us helping him get out more often to attain it. they cant even go out for a dinner as a couple unless someone comes across the country on a trip and watches the kids while they visit. that's obsurd. its not necessary in their case.

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