Wednesday, January 28, 2009

january 2009

Jan 2009.................jan 11 we went to my daughters house in a snow storm to spend our last day with michael lee and family before they returned to the los angelos.(may it sink into the ocean so my kids come back to ny).........there was only one car in the drive way. my daughters in laws car but I dont know it on sight. it could have been Laura visiting or any other friend. I barely know my own car on sight. I walked in the door to a huge SURPRISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! there was family and friends most who had braved a terrible snow storm outside that showed no sign of stopping.......... family I had not seen in awhile because of various reasons that kept us apart even though we were so close in spirit............. it was a magical day. the snow falling outside was like drops of magic sprinkles from the sky/
Hugs, kisses, lot of love and laughter......... this was not a day for me full of drunk like was a pure feeling of happiness , the most zen happiness I have ever had..unless you count those moments when you r new baby is asleep in your arms while your husband is snoring beside you in a warm house with the cold and rain outside. you and yours inside where nothings can harm was a golden day. in a life of many silver and garnet days...............

the next day I dove my son and his family tot he airport .back to their little apartment in burbank california ............with ever mile closer to the airport, the hole in my heart grew bigger ,deeper and wider.

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