Thursday, January 29, 2009

jan 12 the truth will out

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. MY LEG AND HIP ARE KILLING ME. ITS BEEN GETTING WORSE SINCE THE KIDS CAME TO NY.. Not to mention I havent had a shot in my back or neck for over 6 week so I AM RUNNING ON PURE WILL POWER RIGHT NOW.caps lock keeps locking grrrrrrrrr. Irvs stay in the hospital was very dramatic and painful for him and for me. him for what he ad to suffer under doctors care and me for what I had to suffer trying to stay mobile getting to and from the hospital each and every day until the day I got to take him home.........We stayed in ny until after irv got the ok from his heart doctor and the neorologist . we drove down here in one day..........with cappy , our sick old dog.................................We could not pack as much as we would have liked to pack due to bringing a car this trip and not the van. cappys needs took up ar more space in the car them we had to spare but u do what you must dont you. irv felt great driving his sports like car out on the highway for 12 hours.......................I packed smart. not right but smart. SO if we could nto carry the stuff up to the condo we could bring it up one a day forever. I had what I needed in the first bags I carried up . after that it did not matter/so naturally, he carried everything up that night after traveling for 13 hours.............ugh. hes not human......................

Its a little on the cool side here in sc but thats fine to me...... and I like the rain......I havent left like listening to irvs none stop chatter story telling his tale of woe.........they are never happ stories anymore. alwasy woe. price of gas, the lights left on that cost money ..................on and on and on and on................

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