Thursday, May 7, 2009

enough is enough

terrible terrible terrible...........this has been the worst time of our life,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,How do people manage through this river of pain???? I need the hip replaced.many of our friends homes in sc burned to the ground last week some vowed not to rebuild. move back from wenst they came.....sad...........terrible, terrible. our dear friend dead last week...a dear friend o my son in law stroked...brain dead,...needs plug pulled no family to do sad. an old friend I don't see often lost s child to an anurisnin his 30's and her husband a week later to cancer, this is all in one week the same week................death is NOT taking a seems to be trying to fill a quota,,,,,irvs blood clot. dannika congectivitious and ear infections. i am done.............enough is enough...........truely.

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