Tuesday, May 12, 2009

what a week

jeff hangs himself. irv gets an epidural that makes all his nerve ending hurt. then he gets a bad cough which racks his body with pain every cough. my hip doesnt hurt but I am scheduled for hip replacement,jody has a massive stroke. is brain dead . its takes a week to sign all th papers to turn off her life support . my poor son in law must do the deed. today s her funeral. mothers day we felt ugh.dont ask..........cappy is so blind he walks into every wall and neds constant companionship.........I havent seen my parents in so long I cant recall the date and if I dont go before this surgery I wont See them for at least 3 to 6 more months...................the house work is too much for me to do. the laundry being in the basement is a never...........but other than that things are great.............

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