Sunday, May 10, 2009

mothers day 2009

Today was mothers days 2009 it began a bit dicy as we had the little one over while our daghter went abojut the final arrangement for the funral of a young lady who had a stroke .her lif upport has to be turned off and she had no next of kin so dennis and melanie as is Melanies way.jumped in as the heros taking on all the pain anguish and lack of sleep to see the deed done. unfortunatey those around dennis and Melnie had to rearrnge their lives too . My objection to thier commentment and the ojection of dennis family too is that this all could have been tken care of with much less fuss , stain and stress to all could take turns being their at the hospital , the funeral, even the wake. which you really do not need to attend.after wakes are for the benefit of those living left behind Since this poor girl has no one left behind. a short prayer hug wishing her peace in the here after would be enough..................This has long been an issue with me and many others not just me. family should come first. Not Friends. yes family can drive you crazy and often bea person you wish you never met. In those rare exceptions, do it. takeyourself away from that relationship forever. but for the normal bikering of daily life sibling rivalry et etc...they are still family . make a point to see them, interact with them and god forbid in the case of death or hospital there for them..............irv was in the hospital he did not get the visits or the caring these others got. irvs Mather died. melanies grandma . not the best of woman but you attend the funeral for those left behind. in this case melanies dad who needed the loving and the help to empty his mothers house. the huse he had shared with her for over 50 years.............come on kids. stop this is all about generation ....have some manners, some caring............for those god saw fit to make your mother , your sister, your brother................always live close enough to see your family.. to share a sunday help out when someine is ill. show up with chicken soup. stay and watch a bit of t before you drive home. keep a lonely relative company once or twice a week,for an hour or everyone did this for their family, friends who not be needed to step in where only family shoud be............

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