Monday, May 11, 2009

my granddaughter

I have come to a realization. the reason grandparents get so so into their grandchildren and the Joy they bring to their lives is because the grandchildren come to us at a time in our lives when most of our children GROW UP. they no longer come to us , running with a hug and kiss. they dont look at us with unconditional love . they don't consider time spent with us to be a pleasure but a burden , a chore and a duty. grandchildren give that all back to granddaughter gave this to me but now she is a teenager and that time as past. luckily I have 2 others coming up the rear to love me , talk t me hug me, hold me. care what I think . care if I hurt. look forward to spending time with me........... but maybe this is a time we older adults should learn to let go like the animals in the wild. teach your cubs how to survive then leave them to make their own lives.................... Can I do that?????????? dont think so. Im the type would would love to buy a huge house on the water with roos enough for the entire family and for them to bring there children and friends. enough room for all. waltons , dan in real life........A home for the generations of family.

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