Saturday, May 16, 2009

here we go

this tuesday I go into the hospital . I have never been admitted into a hospital except to have 2 babies. I dont have a good feeling about going in. whenever I do anything it goes haywire in a weird and funny way. so I can see it coming. ugh......... well, there is a rain storm outside right now. thunder and lightning show. I 'd like to think its here for me . laws of attraction sent it to me........I have 2 grandchildren in my bed and I lay on the sofa cuddling with my husband this afternoon. my dog is cuddled up next to me ( hes afraid of the thunder but I'll take the I got to im with my son for a bit tonight and I hope to hold and hug my granddaughter tomorrow. tomorrow nihgt I will go on the web cam and talk to my 2 darlin grandbabies out in los angelos. the land of the lost to me. maybe Ill read them a book. my mother has been calling me every day on the phone and sent me an envelope with 9 1 cent stamps in it. no note. just the stamps. go figure.......thats my life and I love it. I love it all. I hope to finish my last draft of rainy days tomorow night . pack my stuff for the hospital and rehab. finish settig up my house to look a bit cleaned up and organized..why lie but thats what I want .. a clean up organized house. and maybe a will and living will too,,,,,,,,,,,lets get itall or die

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